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Meet Our Team

There’s always a warm welcome at Thornton Manor. We are passionate about providing the best care.

Jane Green is the Company Director and Nominated Individual for our company, Care and Support TM Ltd.  Working alongside Jane is a strong team led by Deborah Dawson, Registered Manager, who are all very passionate about providing the best possible care for our residents. There is a deep embedded company ethos of both compassion and care, making for a strong team within the Thornton Manor setting.

Meet Our Team

Get to know our dedicated and passionate team. All of our staff have designated colour uniforms to help you identify them.

Company Director
Kitchen Team
Registered Manager
Floor Supervisors
Health and Wellbeing
Clinical Lead
Care Staff
Registered Nurses
Housekeeping Team

Company Director

Jane Green

Registered Manager

Deborah Dawson

Clinical Lead

Afagh Shabani

Registered Nurses

Daisy Pilaza

Mary Mwamba

Nicole Dixon

Care Home Assistant Practitioners

Claire Clayton

Esther Jones

Richard Atherton

Floor Supervisors

Carla Lever

Kerry Kane

Nicola Huxley

Care Staff

Joanna Nawrot

Elaine Davies

Megan Gibbs

Felicity Clayton

Yvonne Richards

Monika Olejko

Jose Pilaza

Kay Siddall

Funke Adeniji

Omotola Abaoluwase

John Adedeji

Kola Oyedijo

Elizabeth Olaniyan

Dorothy Wilding

Housekeeping Team

Joan Duggan

Josephine Cowap

Desmond McCubbing

Lauren Fowler

Health & Wellbeing

Lauren Fowler

Carole Davies-Hyland

Parisa Daoun


Alex Williams

Kitchen Team

Carol Hill

Emily McHale

Susan Cosgrove

Dean Lever


Robert Dawson


Lesley Evans
