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About Us

Thornton Manor Nursing Home is situated in the rural village of Thornton-le-Moors on the outskirts of Chester.

The home started out life as a manor farmhouse before becoming a hotel, and later a nursing home.

The home has changed many times over the years to meet the changing needs of its residents and the local community. Recently undergoing its biggest transformation yet including many major renovations.

We like to do things a little differently and are extremely passionate about our non-medical approach to managing challenging behavioural dementia.

We have a strong focus on early intervention support techniques. This means we will never use sedative or relaxing medications to prevent residents from displaying challenging behaviour. We instead employ a range of therapies to address a wide range of needs.

We are a nurse led unit and are supported by our local GP who visits weekly.

Over the next few years, we are re-cultivating disused farmland at the back of the property to open out this area to the benefit of our residents, plans include and a wildflower bed, raised planters with herbs, vegetables and flowers and a memorial garden.
